Good Things Come To Those Who Sweat
Below are short samples of the sort of half hour videos you can access once you are a member.
The human body is designed to carry out physical activity, but for most of us modern lifestyles limit the amount we perform on a daily basis. To compensate for this, it’s essential we do some additional exercise each week. Here at Xerlife we have developed a series of half hour exercise routines designed to improve flexibility, strength, posture, balance and body tone but without the need for equipment or a large amount of space.
N.B. If you have any concerns about increasing the amount of exercise you do please consult a qualified practitioner before attempting to do so. Xerlife can not be held responsible for injury or death resulting from the use of these exercise videos.
Using your body weight as the resistance medium you are able to have a work out that exercises all your body muscle groups and increases your heart rate and breathing – and if desired make you sweat! Once you have signed up you will have access to all the videos, which are regularly updated, and will be able to record your participation on your personalised dashboard.

All the videos are designed for the beginner up to the fittest of individuals using a built in progress bar and rest periods so all members can enjoy the same type of exercises. This means all the exercises are based on the amount of time they are carried out for not how difficult they are.
In addition each video has a tutorial alongside it explaining how to get the best out of your workout.
Feel free to watch a clip below of one of our videos and associated tutorials.
The exercise videos feature the ambient sound of the exercises being done meaning you can listen to your own music, or a podcast, whilst completing your workout.
The tutorial videos guide you through each exercise to ensure you get the maximum benefit from your workout.